The Art of Contemplation

Richard Rudd is an international teacher, writer and award-winning poet. He is the founder of the Gene Keys Synthesis, an integral matrix of all human evolutionary potential. The Gene Keys is a sophisticated self-knowledge system that consists of practical wisdom, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of yourself & your true potential.

Richard is also the author of the book ‘The Art of Contemplation’ where he brings light to the potency of incorporating more contemplation in our lives. Unlike meditation, which focuses on clearing the mind - contemplation is a more analytical and reflective practice that involves thinking deeply about a particular topic or concept.

“While we may one day understand how a human being works, our true depth lies beyond the domain of objective understanding. To know what we really are, we will have to go beyond the mind itself. This is the purpose of the Art of Contemplation.”

The heart of the Gene Keys teachings is just that - Contemplation. Pausing, pivoting and merging. Contemplating is an experience that is unique to all of us, hence the key to magic. You can apply the art of contemplation to anything. It really is about learning the art of wisdom. Wisdom comes through the intelligence of our heart.

The Gene Keys system guides you on a a path of gentle transformation, supported by four main values (Contemplation, Inquiry, Gentleness, Patience) that serve as a great foundation to begin a journey within. Once you begin to make space for contemplation, something will begin rising inside of you. It will start to communicate about itself, it might come through your mind, emotion or someone else. Because you have put your attention to it ~ an insight will shortly find its way to you.

The method allows us to begin to explore our inner well in our own timing. We just provide a gentle holding of space for things to appear inside us. It’s a path of wisdom rather than a path of knowledge. Wisdom comes from the inside out. The wisdom is already in there, it gets triggered, then it comes out and we have revelations, insights. 


Implies taking full responsibility for one’s inner state, using everyday challenges for growth and transformation. Contemplation requires creating space so that one can go on the inner journey that is begging for our attention.


Implies asking the profound introspective questions and inviting wisdom to come from within. Cultivating a state of calm presence in all situations.


Implies nurturing a kind and gracious approach towards self and others. Encouraging a spirit of unwinding and un-learning, versus striving and fixing.


Implies cultivating compassion, honesty and curiosity with an inherent trust in the underlying process.

Contemplation is a virtue not typically practiced in society today. We live fast-paced lives and tend to forget to hold sacred space for ourselves to hear and embody the wisdom we carry within. The Gene Keys is a beautiful tool to gain more self-knowledge and awareness of who you are.


The Art of Contemplation, Richard Rudd

The Gene Keys: Embracing Your Higher Purpose, Richard Rudd


The 12 Universal Laws


Heart Coherence