25 Minute Supportive Yoga Practice for Sciatica

I created this class for anyone who is struggling with sciatic pain. I really hope it will improve your condition. You've got this ❣︎

Please consult a doctor or physician before engaging in physical activity to ensure the practice is safe for your body. Practicing yoga, can be an effective way to relieve back pain.

Sciatica is a condition that generally targets the lower back and region of your body with heavy pains. However, specific yoga postures can help relieve sciatic pain, especially if it is caused by a herniated spinal disc or piriformis syndrome.

Standing and seated forward bends are often counter-indicated for people with sciatica, so avoid them if you are having a flare-up.

The spiritual meaning of sciatica can be feeling under pressure which in turn causes pressure on the sciatic nerve. Anxiety regarding creative abilities can also cause sciatica - as well as blocked communication that is causing internal anger and rage. Maybe there is something there for you to reflect on? You can read more about it here:


For background music when you practice, I suggest the "Nervous System Regulation" playlist on Jade Journeys Spotify:


Lots of love,



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