11 Minutes of Sitting in Stillness Meditation Practice for Beginners
Hi and welcome to Jade Journeys 🎐 My name is Natalie 🖤
Thank you for being here and thank yourself for showing up for this practice... This is a guided 11 minute meditation that is designed particularly for people who are new to meditating. I will guide you throughout the entire practice so you don't need to do anything else than follow along.
We will use breath and visualisation to focus our mind and I will leave you in stillness for some periods of time before bringing you back to end the meditation.
I encourage you to have grace and compassion with yourself, remove any expectations of a specific outcome or "spiritual experience" and just surrender to your breath.
Every meditation is an opportunity to practice being the observer of your thoughts and feelings. Hopefully it will help you cultivate and source a sense of balance and peace from within.
From my heart to yours,
xx Natalie