20 Minute Dynamic Yoga Practice for Children

For about 8 months I have been teaching kids yoga in Costa Rica which has been such a beautiful blessing. To experience the kids curiosity and natural ability to tap into their body and the present moment has left a profound impact on me. I feel so grateful to have connected with so many beautiful kids around the world.

I really resonate with Mahatma Gandhi's quote “If we are to teach real peace in the world… we shall have to begin with children."

...so I am so happy that you are introducing yoga early on in their life. It might change the trajectory of their life to learn how to breath properly and build a mind-body connection :)

Yoga is a great opportunity to teach your kids stillness, body awareness, and self love. A regular practice promotes flexibility, balance, strength, coordination and posture - it also helps overall health and emotional intelligence.

From my personal experience of teaching children, I would recommend this kind of yoga practice for kids above 5 years of age ❤︎

Please let me know how your child received the class and if you have any feedback regarding the length, structure or content. Prior, I have been teaching kids in person and that allows for more adaptability depending on the child's energy levels, attention and interest. Digitally, it's a bit different so I will experiment with some different styles of classes from here... Thank you for trusting me!

Lots of love,



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