15 Minute Calming Evening Wind Down Yoga Practice

Hi there 𐦍

Thank you for being here and thank yourself for setting time aside to show up for your body, mind and soul ♡

Welcome to Jade Journeys. My name is Natalie and today I will guide you through a slow and gentle, 15 minute evening wind down practice.

My intention is that you can use it to decompress, re-center and re-align after a long day at work or as a part of your evening ritual to get ready for sleep. It can also be helpful if you're going through a hard time and need some time out.

I hope it will leave you feeling calm, peaceful and present 𖥸

For background music, I would recommend the "Rest & Restore" playlist on Jade Journeys' Spotify:


Let me know if you'd be interested in more slower, shorter classes and I'd be happy to accommodate that.

All my love,

xx Natalie


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