75 Minute Sweet Yin Yoga Practice

Hey xx

Here is a longer yin class for you to invite more receptivity, softness and presence into your body, mind and soul.

“In the quietude of Yin, we uncover the melodies of our soul.”

In yin yoga we stay in poses for a longer time which enables us to tap into our connective tissue, the fascia. It will also enhance the range of motion of your joints and ligaments which keeps you young and vibrant.

Be gentle and compassionate with yourself throughout this practice - the fascia stores emotional trauma and you may experience a surge or release of feelings. I encourage you to "Feel it to heal it" ৻ꪆ

For background music, I recommend the "An Inward Journey" playlist on Jade Journeys' Spotify:


Make sure to take explicit care of yourself after this practice...

Stay hydrated and treat yourself to some time offline to integrate and absorb all the benefits from connecting with yourself and being in stillness ♡ ̆̈

Lots of love,



40 Minute Soothing Seated Yin Yoga Practice


30 Minute Gentle Full Body Yoga Practice